View Full Version : A nice day
12-29-2007, 08:33 PM
Decided to relax and fish inshore today for some halibut with the normal guys. We hooped Catalina last week and got our butts kicked by the weather. We were in need of an easy going trip. We still manged 20 bugs that day, but had to stop early and find shelter from the wind till day light, when we could run home safe. We got on the water early this morning just before gray and set our lines in deep. Dave got a nice 16pounder mid morning. We moved in shallow around noon. Pulled a nice 21pounder off one of the local holes. Great day on the water with near lake like conditions. We ended the day with 2 leagal butts and a handful of nice sculpin.
Daves butt
My personal best
12-29-2007, 08:41 PM
Dines or Squid Joe?
12-29-2007, 08:49 PM
Dines. Perfect dines, about 4-5 inches and cured. we also got about 20 4-6 inch macs mixed in with them, but they wouldn't touch the macs. They would have been great for yellows. We brought a bag of frozen squid and caught most of the sculpin on them.
P.S. I think our good luck really had to do with the new Blackman T-shirt I had on.
12-29-2007, 10:24 PM
nice job stoked for you!!!!! make the knees shake when it came to the boat????? lol looks like a great day on the water. I recognize that island behind you. nice score! ill call you tomorrow on the way to the desert. later zack
12-29-2007, 11:24 PM
Yeah Baby!
12-30-2007, 09:26 AM
Nice fish Joe. Now that you've felt the big head shake, you need to be real careful about some lifestyle choices. Don't let a couple nice halibut suck you in to a life long addiction. It's real easy to get addicted to halibut fishing, then you'll end up like Zack and I, skipping out on family function, work and lying to friend about fishing offshore, when in reality you fish finder hasn't come off the 0-60' scale for months.
I'll catch up with ya later, my hands are shaking and I gotta go load the boat. Man I need a 40 pound fix, come on Torrey Pines.
2008 Leader Board ( Board 2008.htm)
12-30-2007, 10:01 AM
I know what you mean mike. That's how I get with WSB. That big head shake is something else. There were a lot of F-bombs flying while we were trying to net that big butt. Not to mention he came out of the net once. Just a side note both fish were barely hooked and the hooks fell out as the fish came over the rail. Do you guys find that to be normal? The First fish was caught in 85 feet of water and the second was in about 55. Joe
12-30-2007, 10:19 AM
The big fish seem to bite real light. You're lucky if the hook catches more than a flat of skin in the lip. That just adds to the excitement when she comes to the boat.
I gave up netting anything over #10 and go right for the gaff on the bigger fish. If you don't have a 1/4" round, ice pick tip gaff, pick one up just for the halibut. The ice pick tip lets you gaff through the bone in the head for a sure grip without damaging any meat.
12-30-2007, 12:04 PM
Thanks Mike, I gaffed the 1st one in the spot you see in the picture. From now on the bigger models will get the hook.
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