View Full Version : What Ramp
Mac Attack
06-28-2008, 04:23 PM
Towing south for the Albacore bite. If I am fishing mid-week, what ramp would you suggest. Dana, SI. I hear SI is just a zoo on the weekends. Also considering Oceanside but I hear bait hours are a consideration.
06-28-2008, 06:07 PM
SI, the bait in Mission Bay is the pitts. Mid week should be ok.
06-28-2008, 06:19 PM
Fully agree with Yale. Mission Bay bait is terrible and the no wake run to get out to the break water sucks. Shelter Island is not that bad to launch from. I used it for years when I had my center console. Only time you may have a problem is when there is a tournament going. Straight shot out to the bait barge and the tuna grounds.
06-28-2008, 08:42 PM
Mike.... mission bay is the ticket for your trip. Just leave early enough to chug down and save some fuel. In my opinion SI sucks and you have to deal with navy,coast guard,tugs,sail boats,homeland......lots of traffic! its about 5 miles closer but well worth it! as for the bait.... I fish at least twice a week and the bait has always been great for me. I made the trip to the grounds yesterday with two solid scoops and not one piece died. if you need ant help with leaving from mission bay give me a call zack 760)802-6481
06-28-2008, 09:35 PM
Don't no what planet Fire Escape came from but Mission Bay is definitly the worst bait. All you have to do is ask the guys who work there. The barge is sitting in a side bay with little current. SD is open and great current flow. I have numerous friends who had boats in Mission Bay and left to SD. We always talk about how bad the bait is in Mission bay at the SD Anglers club mtg. I have no problem going in and out of SD other than the sail boats. It's your choice. No wake zone all the way out, swells, and having to go all the way around kelp beds also sucks.
06-29-2008, 07:44 AM
I've had good and bad bait from both locations. Got a scoop from MB Friday at 4:00pm. Left for the grounds on Saturday at 3:00am. Started fishing at 5:45 and lost 2 pieces all night. Lost a few throughout the day but the bait as hardy and healthy when we dumped what was left at the end of the day.
06-29-2008, 07:57 AM
I live on the same planet as Zack and prefer mission bay. Lots of room at the ramps, you have 3 to chose from within a 1/2 mile of each other.
The 1/2 mile of 5 MPH zone give my engine time to warm up and me time to look over the boat.
The bait, the same boat services both bait barges. I could buy into the lack of current being a factor in bait heath in the months the bait sits in the box for week but this time of year they move a lot of bait and I would be surprise if it was more than a day or two old when you get it. I've got bad bait from both places and great bait is the norm from either barge.
06-29-2008, 04:34 PM
O'side ramp is the least hassle but will end up costing you more fuel/time to get to the fishing grounds unless you want hit the 181/182 area or Catalina. Bait is usually decent and I think it opens around 5am.
06-29-2008, 07:51 PM
From a launching standpoint South Shore is the best ramp in SD. Nobody there, wide ramp and parking galore. The ride is a bit longer to the entrance of Mission Bay, but not enough to make any difference. The trip from the entrance of Mission Bay to the San Diego bait barge North South position is a bit of a haul though. From a bait standpoint my experience has been that there is no comparison in bait service. I know it is the same company but year in and year out I have had consistently better bait, more courteous service and a more generous measure in San Diego than Mission Bay. I’ve never had good bait in Mission Bay and I have had poor bait in SD bay, but if I were going on a two day trip and I was leaving from MB I would turn the corner and go into SD bay to get my bait for the trip. I think cured bait in MB means a small bucket and lots of salt. I know that sounds harsh but that has been my experience.
06-29-2008, 08:12 PM
Heck with the bait, most fish have been caught on troll.
06-29-2008, 08:47 PM
Those of us moored in Mission Bay have plenty of experience with the quality and service, which, by the way is provided by the same company. Never had a bad service experience and like I've said, had good and bad bait from both. Treat the guys working the receiver with respect, toss em a few bucks here and there, and they treat you right. The bait is good and its a short run to the ocean. Some skippers may have had a bad experience, I've been slipped in SD and MB and never had a problem with either. Now if you want to debate the price of diesel between the two.....
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