View Full Version : Beware of other boaters or you may get screwed
Al Gagnon
10-08-2008, 11:15 PM
This post is only to help everyone be a little more safe, specialy during the hoop net season. A lot of untrained boaters are out in force. Be carefull and watch out. I got hit on my starboard stern by a aluminum boat today. He was traveling from 20 to 25 knots, seemed like 35 knots. . I was drifting by the bait barges, san diego bay. I was trying to untangle a back lash. My son in law said something and as I looked up, I saw a boat traveling at a high rate of speed, bow hing, water sprayhing off his bow, about 20 feet from my boat. I dove out of the way cause I figured he was going to come over my side onto the deck. I Hit my elbow on my bait tank and it split open and when I got home my daughter said, did I hit my hip. there was a bruise on it by my belt line. I maybe should have had stitches but I did not want to wait till midnight at the hospital. The impact rocked the boat. I Thanked God he hit me with a glancing blow as when he looked up, he tried to turn to the left to avoid the impact. He has a hole in his boat and was going out to ck his lobster hoop nets after our accident.. Coast gaurd does not know where the bait barges are. The guy that answers your call on 16 is not from San Diego. I tried my emergency distress button on my radio but it did not work. I need to ck it out. It is a new radio. Maybe I have to keep pushing on the button. Always be able to give your lat long. That is what the Coast Gaurd will use to respond to your call. Coast Gaurd, harbor police and customes were on the bait barge. About 20 to to 25 agents on the barge, two reports were filed, harbor police and coast gaurd. Took almost 1.5 hours to get done. The guy admitted it was his fault. He jamed his thumb on the steering wheel on the impact. I amd not sure if I should take the boat to Blackman or wait till I her from his insurance co.
Please be carefull and watch out for the other guy. You can be the best experienced boater out there but if someone hits you, being a good boater will not help the damage or pain you go through.
Wa Mei
10-08-2008, 11:22 PM
oops, I had quickie fingers and posted about your boat hear after reading it on BD. I am glad you were
not seriously hurt. Scary stuff. I wish you a speedy recovery!
10-09-2008, 08:42 AM
Was it during daylight, twilight, or at night Al? Glad no one was seriously hurt and that it was an aluminum boat not wood or fibreglass; alot of energy would have probably been deflected. Scary stuff for sure and at least you were able to jump to the side. How bad is you boat?
10-09-2008, 08:42 AM
Crazy how these things happen. I guess that's why they call them accidents. I hope for your sake that his insurance is good. Did your boat get damaged much? Just gelcoat work? Over the past couple years I have noticed sooo many inexperienced boat operators. The bulk of these folks has been in Mission Bay. I typically launch from De Anza Cove where there are so many jet ski and ski boat operators that are just clueless and have not idea what to do when meeting or crossing other boats. I have been hit by a jet ski while tied up to the dock more than once. The worst one is when an older man and woman were attempting to pull up to the dock on a jet ski. The man (who was driving) panicked next to the dock and throttled up. Both the man and woman fell back into the water while their jet ski ended up ON MY SWIMSTEP!
Al Gagnon
10-09-2008, 09:09 AM
My boat was hit in the starboard stern corner section. if the boat was still a 26 ft, he would have missed me. His boat ripped a brass plate off my boat, that was used for pulling long lines for rock cod for the previous owner.. It was secured by 4 ss bolts , about 1/4 or 3/8 inch. He just had a chance to turn left b4 he hit me. He jamed his thumb on impact from his steering wheel. He would have gone air born if he did not turn to the left. I want to thank everyone for their concern. You know the saying, by Gods grace there go I. Iwill wait to go toBalckman for the repairs, after the Insurance contact me.
10-09-2008, 01:31 PM
Glad you ok Al. You have to register your Vhf to use the DSC. (red button)
here is the web site
Al Gagnon
10-09-2008, 02:45 PM
Honey girl. I registered both radios and entered my mmsi numbers. I was told that I can not test the radios to see if they transmit. My gps talks to the radios ok but I cant test them. The radios are showing my lat long on the screen and when I test the radio it gives me a connectionok reading. I thought that I would use this chance to ck it out. I pushed the red button and got the distress on the screen. Mayube I should have held the button in for a few seconds more.
Coast Gaurd said they did not get my lat long after I pushed the emergency DSI.
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