View Full Version : Spun Prop or Cavitation or ?

tony p
07-25-2010, 06:49 PM
As there is basically nothing to catch i took my 7 year old and niece to catch mackeral today. Half way to L aJolla my rpms stayed at about 3000 but my speed dropped way down and there was a strong "empty noise" from the prop. I was bogging and had no real power. The more gas I gave it the louder the noise and no more power. I did not have seaweed and i did not lose a prop. This continued all the way to la jolla and the first part of the way home. As we finally hit the Turquoise area and there was no kelp i was able to head home at 3300 and probably 20 knots. In the cahnnel i put it down all the way and was 3800 rpm and probably 27 knots.

Any idea what this is. I would think a spun prop would cause the rpm to spike but get no speed. Not sure about cavitation. The werid thing is that i had no issues on the way home.

(the kids got 8 spanish mackeral and could not have been happier. I was just confused.)

Knot Now
07-25-2010, 08:12 PM
When I think you have sea weed on the prop, I stop and put her in reverse to clean the prop?
What did you do?


07-26-2010, 07:56 AM
That happened to me once after hitting a big clump of kelp. Thought for sure I spun the prop too. Just like you, the problem went away. Just for fun, I took off the props and found quite a bit of fishing line wrapped on the shaft. Seems like I would have seen higher temps on the guage but, I didn't. Maybe you'll want to check that?


tony p
07-26-2010, 09:03 AM
what is weird is i thought i cleared any kelp. On the way in we took the inside passage home from la jolla and i had some overheating, but i assumed that was i got into kelp a few times. Once i got into clear water and my temp went normal i also had great power. On the way out when i hasd issues i did not look at the temp

07-27-2010, 09:23 PM
Spun prop doesn't fix its self. Sounds like junk on the prop to me.