View Full Version : Filleting fish from mexico
07-29-2010, 02:59 PM
What are the regulations governing the filleting of fish caught in Mexican waters, and where can I find those regulations? (Harold Y.)
Answer: As per Mexican law, fish caught under a Mexican sportfishing license may not be filleted aboard the vessel from which it was caught. According to Department of Fish and Game Lt. Eric Kord, this leaves you the options of traveling out 200 miles to international waters to fillet your fish, or returning to the United States to fillet your fish. Once back in the U.S., if your port of return is in California, then state law would apply to any filleted fish that is possessed on a vessel or brought ashore (CCR Title 14, section 27.65). Any filleted fish on your vessel must meet all size limits, be species authorized for filleting and retain any identification requirements (e.g., skin patch or all skin still attached).
If you choose to fillet your fish in Mexico illegally and transport the fillets back to California, that would be a violation of the federal Lacey Act, which is subject to much steeper fines and penalties (via a formal complaint from a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration fisheries agent).
To look up the Mexican laws that apply, please visit Mexico’s National Aquaculture and Fishing Commission.
I just looked this up. Is this correct ?
Time Out
08-02-2010, 07:20 AM
Yes it is. You cannot felle fish cought in mexico. You must be standing on land then you can do what you want with the fish. You must at all times keep your dec. Paperwork with you even at home. If you give fish away that fish must have a copy of the form with it.
Its Bull S but it true
08-02-2010, 12:25 PM
I'm confused. whats new.
Any way, the way I'm reading is that it is mexican law to not fillet on the vesel from which they were caught. I'm clear on that, but what I read from the DFG is that when you return to American water you can fillet them as long as you follow there regulations on fish species,size ect. I've aslo heard you have to leave the entire skin on the fillet, but what I read for the 2010 season it is still just a 1" patch of skin. I dont want to go thru the same BS you had to, just trying to figure out what is correct. Am I missing an amendment to the 2010 regulations ? :confused:
08-02-2010, 01:18 PM
It's really a chain of events; if you can't clean the mexican fish on the boat they were caught on, and once you catch mexican fish you can't fish in US Waters, then you must clean your fish after declaring them (on Land)upon re-entry to the US. I can't find anything giving the OK in the DFG regs about filleting Mexican Fish in US waters. Also, US filleting rules apply, ALL ROCKFISH must have the ENTIRE SKIN attached, not just a 1" patch. All fillets must be of proper California DFG Size Limit Length. It's a very grey area where and when you can fillet Mexican Fish, either have evidence to cleaned them on Mexican soil before bringing them back, or better yet just clean them at home, much safer!
08-02-2010, 01:42 PM
Thanks Russ & Jeff, I'll play it safe and bring the fish home.
Last question. Do you guys turn in the declaraion forms or just keep them on hand ?
Knot Now
08-02-2010, 03:48 PM
Thanks Russ & Jeff, I'll play it safe and bring the fish home.
Last question. Do you guys turn in the declaraion forms or just keep them on hand ?
I believe it's required to keep a copy with the fish until they are consumed and send a copy to DFG.
SO that is what we all do.
08-02-2010, 04:25 PM
I keep my forms in the EDCO filling cabinet along with the fish heads.
08-02-2010, 04:58 PM
My forms ride on the seat next to me and end up with the heads too.
Call DFG and ask them if they still have a copy of your declaration from March 2010, they'll look in the same EDCO file.
08-02-2010, 05:41 PM
But I do believe it is ok to gut and head the fish caught in Mexican waters and then fillet them at home, right?
Time Out
08-03-2010, 07:07 AM
I was told by my bad driving DFG officer we can gut the fish, he never said anything about removing the heads. Mexican law states (translated to english) so maybe you guys that can read and translate my disagree - butchering of fish is not allowed. I would think removing the heads would fall under butchering but maybe i'm wrong. I am going to gut and remove the heads of my tuna this year and if that mean fighting another ticket so be it. I'm not going to fill my trash cans at home with tuna heads.
My court appt. At. gave Marc and I one piece of advise, Keep the Declaration paperwork until you eat the fish. She had defended several cases where the DFG had gone to fishermans homes and checked the frezzers. We will all go to jail if they start that I think.
My question is the fish we frezze at home do we still have to keep the skin on ? I would think so otherwise how would they know whats in the frezzer.
Another thing watch what you buy and keep on board on your overnight trips. She told us a story about a guy with Salmon steaks on board he could not prove he bought the fish from a store. He lost the case approx 1,000.00 fine. I don't know who buys fish to go fishing but if you do keep your paperwork. I have bought shrimp I guess that would fall under the same rule.
Thats all I have
Nice to see you out fishing Mike, thanks again for picking up my daughters fish. That tangle was the worst I ever had, on brand new spectra I was not going to cut it. (drink lots of water) is all I have to say it helps.
08-03-2010, 07:56 AM
As far as having the skin on at home, I would just tell the A-Hole if he came to my house that the fish in the freezer/refrigerator was part of a batch I bought at a market which I didn't eat so I froze it. I paid cash for the fish. They can't prove you caught it either, there lies reasonable doubt. The only time they're going to check your house is if you really mess up on the water with overlimits, cowcod, BSB etc.
08-03-2010, 10:34 AM
Fishing must be very, very slow. You gotta catch before you worry about what your gonna do with em.:confused:
Wiki Vaporizer (
08-03-2010, 10:56 AM
Fishing must be very, very slow. You gotta catch before you worry about what your gonna do with em.:confused:
It's better to know before you go. Most of the guys on this site don't worry about catching it's not that hard, it's the BIG MONEY afterward that can break you!
Time Out
08-03-2010, 12:08 PM
Jeff you are so right, these tickets are Misdemeanors with fines that start at 450.00 and go up plus court cost that match what ever the fine is, so a 450.00 fine is $900.00. It pays to pay attention. They will deal off the misdemeanors down to an infraction the fine stays the same.
Jeff is coorect about the stuff at home I think. I don't know and I don't care at some point you do what you can. I have been stopped by fish and game more times this year than in the past ten years twice in one day by the same guys not even on my boat.
I think what alot of people are doing is just telling the FG we fished in US waters. Then you can follow the California rules and don't worry about the paperwork. Just leave the skin on the whole F.
I never paid much attention to all this before this year. I never had a problem with these guys in 40 years I never got a ticket. Now that I have and see how screwed up the rules are. And how much it cost even if you fight the ticket and win it still cost time and money for nothing.
Sorry for being so long winded on this I'm still pissed as you can see
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