View Full Version : Kill Bags
07-13-2004, 01:26 PM
Anyone use a kill bag inside of their fish hold on the 26' Billfishers? If so, what size fits well? Kinda tired of having to clean the scales out of the cheeseball bilge pump in the fish hold. Considering plumbing in a full macerator pump out in the fish hold. Anyone done that?
07-13-2004, 04:21 PM
The kill bags that I have seen are mounted on the swim step. I saw one a couple of weeks ago on a Billfisher. The guy said that he loved it.
I have an inboard so my fish box is different than the I/O version but I have considered the macerator pump as well.
For some reason they mounted the sump pump forward of the box which means the only way to get all of the water out is with a vacuum. If I put the tongue of the trailer on the ground I can get most of it out but that's a lot of cranking.
One of these days when I have some more money to throw in the hole (hold) I will do the macerator deal.
07-13-2004, 05:11 PM
I did it last year and so far so good! Bought the one on sale at SD Marine Exchange $119 approx; mounted it on rear wall starboard side just under hold ceiling away from gutter drain hole on center side of 3/4"divider groove; used a 1 1/2" pickup hose down to my sump cover where I enlarged the side entrance for a elbow to go down into the recess.
Advantages: Never had to clean that stinky sump again, even with albacore scales!; and it's loud so you never forget to turn it off and burn the pump up. You could probably pull alongside a burning hull and put the fire out quickly with the water this baby throws! :rolleyes:
Drawbacks: Discharge on pump is 1", existing hose to thruhull is 3/4"; had to clamp short piece of 1'' hose off discharge end over existing 3/4" hose for connection. Caution: Don't cut your existing 3/4" hose too short, it needs to be able to bend and flow, not kink when it goes thru the bulkhead. It's a quick turn.
Existing wiring is 12 or 14 guage, it really should be 10 guage however you really don't run it very long so wiring doesn't get hot.
Easy afternoon project and can help if needed. :D
07-13-2004, 09:17 PM
My fish hold is used for the hot water heater, spare rode, the water maker, and 55 gallons of fuel when needed. I use two large ice chests for local fishing. One goes on the swim step with the kill container and the other on the deck. I figure when they are full it’s time for C&R. The two ice chests hold about 18 medium albacore with plenty of ice.
Knot Now
07-13-2004, 10:41 PM
My PO removed the cheeseball bilge pump cover and has a bilge pump mounted on the hose (not attached at all). Pluged all the holes. Very easy to clean and when I swing the pump into the recess it pumps all but a cup of water out of the fish hold. I also use a large cooler (120 qt) and a smaller cube (~50 qt) from Costco. I have had to use the fish hold only twice in the few months I have owned the Knot Now.
07-14-2004, 05:57 PM
I bought a kill bag size is 40h x 60 long fits on swimstep perfect, ran lines with clips to cleats, so on / off in seconds. Only used it once so far it works great. No more scubbing fish hold, using sides for storage and center for ice.
A 40h x 80 long would work also. Can buy direct from Precision marine in Costa Mesa
26 Billfisher Utopia
07-14-2004, 05:58 PM
Hmmmm... so many ideas. First choice is to put in the macerator next time I take her out of the slip and put her on the trailer. The fish hold on a 26' Blackman (outboard) is one of it's best features. People are awestruck and the '1 ton fish hold' comment when they see it. Cleaning it out is another story, what a hassle. A kill bag on the swim step would probably be the ticket.
However, it does sound intriguing to put in another fuel tank and some goodies like watermaker and hot water, I can't see taking the boat that long/far very often and using those or wanting that weight.
Too many decisions. I should just go fish. :D :D
07-14-2004, 06:34 PM
I plan to get a kill bag and use it for bleeding and cooling down the catch. Then I'll use the fish hold with ice and rock salt to keep the fish in a semi frozen state. The new fish holds really hold temp well, especially with some rock salt and salt water mixed in, the fish almost freezes!
07-14-2004, 07:27 PM
I don't want to hear no stinking crying about fish holds. Us bastard stepchildren on the 23' Billfishers don't have a fish hold to cry over.
I've been using an insulated kill sack on the swimstep for 10+ years and love it. When I get home I shake in a little Ajax, give it the once over with a sponge, rinse with a hose then hang it up to dry.
The only down fall is the extra weight on the stern when you want to kick it up and head home. The fix for that is to slab out the fish and move them to an ice chest.
03-17-2007, 09:19 AM
LOL.. Spam spam, everywhere is spam.
03-17-2007, 01:24 PM
I have to ban 2-3 spammers a day. What a pain in the ass. I delete their posts and like clockwork, they are back the next day under a new IP address.
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