View Full Version : Hamachi Girl: Nov 4 Halibut and "Other"

Hamachi Girl
11-05-2012, 10:01 AM
Scratched out a 6# Halibut and a 2# Sculpin yesterday.



Had a 2# Sandy but the little bastard escaped my clutches while I was trying to take a pic with my damn phone.

Since I'm in first place I vote to Red Flag the 2013 Tournament and declare the winner now.:D

11-05-2012, 06:10 PM
Good start Allan. If you can find a way to have the BBQ catered by Phill's BBQ, I'm all for calling off the 2013 tournament and declaring you the winner. I'm partial to the big beef ribs, extra sauce and onion rings.


2013 Leader Board (http://bocaboard.com/Leader%20Board%202013.htm)