View Full Version : Hamachi Girl: Sandy

Hamachi Girl
11-26-2012, 10:21 AM
Fished the After Thanksgiving Halibut Classic and all I got was this stupid Sand Bass

2.75#s and residing somewhere in the MB Jetty


11-26-2012, 07:12 PM
Sounds like it was kinda slow for the ATHC this year.


2013 Leader Board (http://bocaboard.com/Leader%20Board%202013.htm)

Hamachi Girl
11-27-2012, 10:10 AM
35 Boats pounding the sand and only 5 fish boated.

I was hoping Fire Escape/Libre would give us a report.

The tournament got a late start due to the thick fog and attempts to take a group photo. Once we motored past the Ventura bridge it cleared up. Everybody was already WFO at the 1st 5mph marker in the channel and we had a pretty good boat race going. I kept the old gill pinned till we reached the PB Reef area then it was lines in. Drifted a couple of areas till the wind became un-manageable. Ran back by the North side of the Jetty and tried a drift but soon realized that it wasn't going to work. Drifted the the Northside of the jettiy on the inside where I picked up the Sandy. Moved over by Sail Bay/Paridise Pt. where we've always picked up at least some shortys but that was getting hard to fish too. Decided we were pissing into the wind and stuck it on the trailer at 2:30

Bait was good with a mix of smaller sardines and anchovies.