View Full Version : No oil pressure at dash board panel.
Al Gagnon
04-29-2013, 07:37 PM
Getting ready to put the boat in the water for this year of fishing and of course the surprise problems that happen every time I let the boat sit too long. No oil pressure at dash for both engines. I will assume that at this point the oil sludged up and is blocking oil pressure because the oil alarm on both engines seem too be ok, turn key on and all 3 alram lights come on, test alarm switch sounds the alarm and when engines start light goes out. I would like to convert to mechanical murphy gauges with alarm switchs. Not sure what to do with the wires going to the sending units. Our local speedo tach shut its doors so I dont know who carries Murphy gauges locally. Anybody convert there oil pressure sending units over to mechanical gauges? Any ideas are always helpfull.
Hamachi Girl
04-30-2013, 01:20 PM
You checked all the grounds? You have continuity on all the leads?
I don't know what your Volvos are, but my 5.7 is 40psi at idle and 80-90psi at 3000rpm. You'd have to have some serious sludge to block that pressure. I don't think that's the problem.
tony p
05-01-2013, 11:59 AM
I had a similar issue last week. The issue was that on the ignition key when you turn it to the right it first turns on the power to the panel. You then turn it 1/4 turn more to turn the engine over. My key switch was broken so that you could turn the key to the right and get the engine to start, but the setting to ower the panel was broken. If you slowly turn the key and listen closely you can hear the power setting "click" - if no click it may be broken. We replaced they key portion and i had power to the panel.
Al Gagnon
05-16-2013, 04:14 PM
Tony and Allen, I guess I did not let the oil pump prime to get oil pressure after sitting for a long time, shorted the gauge and it pegged ok, then started the engine and it came up to normal pressure. Stbd engine styarted up and oil pressure normal. ready to go fishing. Took the boat outside MB and everything worked fine. Ready to go fishing except the Mexican Navy is pulling a boner about Visas. Going to keep the boat in a slip at Marina Village on G dock. My boat is a 30 ft so cant go on the J dock with the other Blackman fleet. 3 slips from the ram, G-3, is great for me.
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