View Full Version : 7/30 La Jolla and North
07-30-2004, 06:54 PM
The plan was to make some macs or small Bonita off OB then head out a few miles to find a mako. Today the bait was a lot harder to come by than it was last week. I could see the bait busting all around but couldn't get them to take the Lucky Joe. I finally made 1 lone Bonita and figured one is better than none.
I ran out 5 mile and started working my way up the beach looking for a finning mako. I didn't see any life until I was straight off La Jolla. Birds, bait and Mr. Mako all bunched up in a little area 3.5 west of La Jolla. I offer up my lone bait and he's on it like a bum on a bologna sandwich.
Part 2 of the day was to drift the beach for halibut while I wait for the late afternoon bite to turn on in the kelp. I found a small spot of bait off Black's beach that kicked out 1 halibut. Unfortunately I lost the fish during a moment of indecision, should net or gaff, to late.
I make a move up the beach and find a big spot of bait just north of the state beach. Down go the baits and up comes another keeper. This time I'm ready with the gaff. First swing clanks off the head and to my surprise she is still sitting there calm. I reload and put it to her and in she comes.
#36 at Dana Fuel Dock.
Part 3 of the day was suppose to be the evening bite off La Jolla but I blew that off to get home early and bag some fish.
Moo Fish
07-30-2004, 07:05 PM
OK--I'll bite----is that a tie wire leader??? Good Job!!
07-30-2004, 09:14 PM
Incredible. I'm not even going to fill in the inshore species on the contest now. The King lives. You are incredible Mike.
07-30-2004, 09:39 PM
Nice butt! You make the rest of us look like we’re in the fish welfare line.
07-31-2004, 09:49 AM
Now that's a No Slack Halibut! Good thinking wearing a Blackman T Shirt for the picture. Shirley asked however if you could ditch the jeans with the holes in them; it seems to bring down the class of true Blackman owners! Just to keep your total within reach we are thinking having a vote to change the halibut point value to 1/4 point per pound !
Great day on the water!
07-31-2004, 11:37 AM
Don't be so quick to throw in the towel Glenn. When I came up with the format for the tournament, I figured it would take 500 point or more to win it. There's still a lot of points out in the pond, and the best part of the season is still ahead of us.
Get yourself over to the kelp one afternoon, catch a few calicos, make a few macs, swing outside a few mile and do a mako. Two hours of time, 10 gallons of fuel and 70 quick point on the board. Just keep chipping away at the list one species at a time.
Jeff, I'll stop by Goodwill this week and see about picking up some new duds. Us 23' owners can't swing a new pair of Dockers and a Polo shirt every time we go fishing like some of the high rollers on the board. ;)
07-31-2004, 11:40 AM
...we are thinking having a vote to change the halibut point value to 1/4 point per pound !
LOL Ya, good thinking. Or start up a handicap (like golfers). Mike can only fish with trout flies and coffee grinders. LOL
07-31-2004, 12:52 PM
Funny you should mention that. I was giving some thought to a handicap for next year. Something like "the previous years winner is handicapped by his margin of victory in the last tournament".
Another idea is to level the playing field by giving bonus point based on boat size. Ya know, help out the little underprivileged guys in the 20' and 23's. Ya I like that idea, can we get a vote.
07-31-2004, 02:05 PM
Just in case you were thinking of asking come October, LOBSTER STILL WON'T COUNT!
I think we should handicap this year's winner by limiting their legal area to fish to the San Diego City Lakes only. :confused:
Are those high rollers the ones with hot water showers, generators, or water makers? Should we include those with 2 helm stations? Curious minds want to know!
07-31-2004, 02:50 PM
Ya know, help out the little underprivileged guys in the 20' and 23's. Ya I like that idea, can we get a vote.
Hahahha... Mike goes out 9-15 miles and gets his toad Albies on a 23', while the 26'ers chase em 250 miles round trip every other weekend. You don't need no bonus points! :p
Boat out of the water for the next 2-3 weeks, then I'm ready to start taking every Fri/Mon off work for the rest of the season and go back to running hard. I'll take me a couple half days and try to find me a Mako. Thanks for the advise.
07-31-2004, 09:09 PM
So what’s wrong with a few extra items added to the boat? After two or three days on the boat in 110º weather you’ll be begging me to take a nice hot shower!
I don’t think you should cut the longusta out of the equation. I’m getting set up to work those bad boys this year. Got most of the gear ready to go. All I need to do is start collecting mackerel.
Almost every fish I’ve caught this year has been outside of the tournament distance limits. What needs to be added is a minimum distance from the harbor entrance to go along with the maximum distance. I think you should have to go at least 20 mile from the end of the jetty before you can start fishing.
07-31-2004, 10:17 PM
A 20 mile minimum would really cramp my style. I only have one fish that would qualify under those rules. As far as maximum distance goes, I'll all for extending that out or doing away with it all together.
At the fall BBQ we can all get together and tune up the rules for next years tournament. Add some fish, drop some fish, adjust the points and talk about the boundaries. All good things to be thinking about before we get together.
08-01-2004, 06:59 AM
I think the contest is fun as it is. Those that fish a lot and those that really know how to fish for the variety are the ones with the points. Participation is kinda low as it is. More rules would probably deter even more. Small club of regulars as it is.
I think we are all just bantering for fun, not really serious about changing too much.
What is considered outside the max distance limit? I forget.
08-01-2004, 07:15 PM
There's nothing wrong with adding a few things to any boat; I'm just pulling a little chain andI just wanted to know what you had to have in order to wear a polo shirt!
We don't need any more stinking rules; the format is fine ! You can't get points if you don't actively seek out a target and catch it. Take on the challenge and go fishing! :)
08-01-2004, 10:08 PM
Actually you can get the polo shirt first. The boat can come later and then you start adding stuff to it. You can add stuff (including new polo shirts) in years one through 3 and then you need the dollars that you spent on new stuff to handle the increased repair bills on an older boat and more polo shirts. Rule 4c states that “…said polo shirts are not to be worn fishing however and if they are worn fishing then they cannot ever be put back in the closet and will forever be now regarded as fishing shirts.” This rule was enacted by and is rigorously enforced by my wife.
With regards to the tournament rules, I think Charlie should appoint a five person standing rules committee from the current list of point holders and that committee should meet on the third Saturday of every month to discuss the tournament rules and submit a quarterly report to Charlie for his consideration. Just a thought.
How much line do you use on your hoops? Got some new hoops and they have 100’ of line which is a lot of string.
08-02-2004, 07:56 AM
I have mine set up with 30' of line. Any deeper than that and I get winded and want to go home. You pull 30' a hundred times in a night and you see what I mean.
08-02-2004, 10:12 AM
Before Charlie can appoint a committee, we should consider the by-laws and determine our legal status (LLC, partnership, corporation etc...). We'll also need the legal seal, and an official minutes keeper. To keep all honest, the club shall install official BOCA security cameras on participating vessels. Skippers who place first, second, and third shall agree to submit urine samples and perform polygraph tests.
OK enough sillyness. The rules are fine now and this is a lot of fun. Professor does seem to log a lot of time on the water way south of the border. His sense of adventure and extra effort should be applauded. I'd vote for expanding the area next year but. not this year as I'm doing quite well (thanks in part to Mike).
My 2 cents.
08-02-2004, 11:44 AM
Thanks for the info. I suppose you do run out of guest hoop pullers pretty fast.
Thanks for the consideration but I have enough trouble remembering to take an occasional picture and note the fish in my trip log much less record all the pertinent data for a contest entry. Besides I don’t want to run the risk of being put in charge of the urine collection committee
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