View Full Version : LOOKING FOR 23'
04-25-2005, 06:49 PM
Does anybody know where there is a 23' blackman diesel powered with low hrs for sale?? :confused: I would prefer an albacore special with tower, but I would also consider a nice outerbanks or billfisher model. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! :D
04-25-2005, 07:16 PM
There is a 1978 23' albcore special for sale in Spring Valley.
04-25-2005, 09:48 PM
There is a Blue 23' Billfisher @ Blackman's Yard for sale.
Steve Blackman 619 266 8013
04-25-2005, 11:42 PM
Thanks guys :D , I am aware of the two boats! The one at Blackmans looks really nice, but I really dont want twin inboard gas motors. Although I have heard they are pretty economical! The one in Spring Valley also looks nice, but I was trying to find one with a tower and a few more goodies. Know of any others?? :confused:
04-26-2005, 04:37 PM
Maybe you can find an Edsel to pull it with too! :rolleyes:
04-26-2005, 04:44 PM
Offer the guy a few bucks less and have my bro in-law build a tower with the money you saved.
It's going to be hard to find a cherried out 23'. Your best bet is to find a solid hull and engine for the right price and outfit it the way you want.
04-27-2005, 04:13 PM
Great idea Doghouse, is that what you tow yours with :confused: :D If so you might be better off with a team of mules :D
NoSlack, what would you Brother in law charge to do a tower? What kind of material and time frame would you be looking at??
04-27-2005, 04:47 PM
Dan can work it up in stainless or aluminum, but prefers stainless. The stainless will match the rest of the boat rails and be a lot stronger.
Time frame, I would think he could knock it out in a week to 10 days if you catch him at a slow time.
Price, a wild guess of $3000 would get you started. When I get work done with Dan, I pay for material, do some electrical work around the shop, let his sister spend all my money, then we call it even.
619 477-1145
04-27-2005, 06:05 PM
Thanks Mike!! Yeah I had a cherried out Albacore special and sold it about 7 yrs ago. :( I have bought and sold several boats since then, but nothings been the same. I should have never done it and I have been trying to replace it for a year or so now. How do you like the way the billfisher model rides? You got any experience with the 26's or 20'S?
04-27-2005, 07:09 PM
I wouldn't trade my boat for anything. Now if something was to happen to my girl and I had to have a new one built, I would have to give a great deal of thought about an Albacore special with a tower and full canvas. With a second station and some net nav electronic on the tower, you would have the best of both worlds. Warm and cozy down stairs, great view from up to on those nice days offshore.
I've never been on a 20', but I would think they are wet like most CC 20' boats. The few rides I've had on the 26's were local halibut trips with the exception of a trip to Clemente on Scott's boat. We ran into some big swell and the wind on the way out and I was glad we weren't on my 23'.
Secret Spot
04-28-2005, 07:00 AM
I wasn't asked. However, I wouldn't trade mine either... The Secret Spot is perfect for my needs; tows long distances with very little effort and rides great south of the point. Additionally, I spend a lot of time on multipal over night trips up and around the Point Conception area and have always been comfortable (knock on wood). Just wish I had a diesel like No Slack.
04-28-2005, 12:57 PM
Yeah, thats exactly why I am trying to replace mine!! I was thinking of a 26' cause there seems to be a few more on the market, but I think that might be a lot of boat for towing down to Baja! :confused: Plus the 23' seems to be a very seaworthy boat and if I cant fish in that I probably shouldnt be fishing or at least if I am it wont be very much fun! :o
04-28-2005, 02:01 PM
We were talking to Steve Blackman a few months back about a 23'. He still has the molds and said he would accecpt a order for a 23' Outer banks, Albacore or express but as for the billfisher he said no :( .
04-28-2005, 07:17 PM
Whats the difference between the Albacore and Express? I always thought for some reason that they were the same. I wonder why he wouldnt build a billfisher model??
04-28-2005, 07:28 PM
A 23' Billfisher?
Guess I don't know all the 23' models. NoSlack's is an Albacore, right Mike?
04-28-2005, 07:51 PM
Wizard, give me some input on the ride of that 26 compared to the 23' or any other boat you have ridden on if you could??
04-28-2005, 08:45 PM
The 26' Blackman is a tank in many ways. Built extremely strong compared to factory boats. Heavy because of it. The best ride is actually in head-on, quartering, and medium side seas. Following seas are a bit less then ideal, a good size following sea will push the backend around sometimes.
I can say I trust I will make it home alive from 100 miles out, in 6-8 foot, 4-6 second, seas in my Billfisher, albeit not fast in any boat. Can't say that with a lot of the mainstream plastic boats out there, but I won't name names like those Baysomething, Seathings, etc. LOL The Volvo Penta diesel takes a good year to get used to mechanically. I do most of my own work and really appreciate the experience I have drawn of others on this board. Only time I let a shop touch it they just charged me a bundle and didn't improve/fix a thing. But I wouldn't trade it for an outboard or gas ever. Mine was repowered with the KAD 42 - 240HP turbo and supercharged back in 92'. I can do about 22-24 knots cruise at only 3100 rpm. At 3500, it almost goes to fast for a nice ride unless flat, and then I do about 25-26 knots.
Bottom line, it's a fairly simply boat, rock solid. Lot of wood on my older 83' taking some time to cleanup, but the later ones are mostly fglass and got that nice cockpit trim I don't have. Also wish I had them newer tinted windows. Mine are the old clear lexan that is all hazed (one of my projects is to replace them.). I do have the fold down aluminum arch which is nice, outriggers and antennas all fold down with two bolts.
I guess I could go on-and-on, but will stop here. Mine doesn't ride as nice as the newer ones imho, but if you want a ride someday, I will have mine all fine-tuned and back in the water in a couple more weeks. This boat would be really good with the new DPX outdrives imho. The older DP-D/E outdrives have too much slop in the steering.
Hope that helped /breath.. haha
P.S. Bought Mark Wisch's book on fishing Catalina at DOTD. Didn't know he spent several years gaining that YT and WSB experience on a 26' Blackman till I started reading and he mentions it every few pages. Cool.
04-28-2005, 09:23 PM
The Billfisher is the flybridge model, like a mini 26'. They don't have the mold for the flybridge anymore is why they won't build one.
I thought the Express and albacore were the same, like Brian's "Old Blue".
04-29-2005, 06:06 AM
Steve only has the design for a 23' express but has yet to build one. Designed it a few years back but the buyer had some $$$ issues. I think i have the flyer at home if i can find it ill attempt to post it. The design is similar to Dos Pelones 26' Express.
04-29-2005, 07:00 AM
Towing any boat in Baja is an interesting experience. I’m not sure that your knuckles will get any whiter with a 26 than with a 23. Both boats would be good Baja boats. I’m using a triple axle on my 26 and that really stabilizes the load and helps with the pothole experience. I don’t know what the weight is on the 23 but it I’m sure it’s well with the limits of a 2 axle. The 26 is right at the max for a two axle trailer and Baja roads are a test for sure. Mine will get the test this fall when she goes to Puerto Vallarta for six months. Fourteen hundred miles on some of Mexico’s finest.
Glenn, great description on the 26 Billfisher! You really captured the essence of the boat.
04-29-2005, 08:23 AM
Thanks for all the info and help guys!! I guess maybe I should consider a 26. I just thought it would be more boat than I really need, but I guess you can never have to much boat!! After owning that 23 of mine and towing it all the way to Cabo two years in row, I had pretty much considered it the best boat for the job. Like the Patron said it probably wouldnt be much more of a white-knuckled ride with a 26'. :confused: Plus when the seas are up I would be thankful for those extra white-knuckles that the 26 would give towing down the road! :D Now I just have to find a nice one with low hours in good shape. Anybody know anything about the 82' billfisher for 48k sitting at blackman's yard? Or seen it up close??
04-29-2005, 10:30 AM
I towed my 26' Billfisher to San Quintin last year, and launched it on the dirt. I wouldn't do that last part again. I have the dual-axle Aros baja trailer. The boat, full of gas and gear, and trailer, come out to about 9 or 10K lbs. I guess if you're going all the way down to Cabo or someplace civilized, with a big enough truck and plenty of spare stuff, towing the 26' down would be worth it. For baja fishing, dirt launching, unimproved areas, I wouldn't take the 26'. I'm even looking for a panga type boat for baja fishing.
04-29-2005, 02:03 PM
Yeah, we did that once in Rancho Buena Vista! They launched are boat for $40 with a tractor from the beach. That wasnt to bad, but the funniest part about the whole deal was as they were backing it in they told us that the wind usually comes up around noon so becareful. Boy they werent kidding we fished till about 11 and here it came. Within 10 to 20 minutes it was blowing a strong 35 knots and had a nice 6-9 foot wind chop one right behind the other. :eek: Needless to say it was very interesting trying to step of the Panga onto the dock after we anchored it up. We had it pulled out the next morning and got the heck out of there. They told us it blows like that for three to four months straight. :o
04-29-2005, 05:24 PM
Giving Josh a little competition?
I can see it now - "Professor Charters". That's one class I wouldn't mind going to !
It will be interesting to see if the winter tuna fishing of last year was the norm or if it was due to the minor "El Nino"
04-29-2005, 05:47 PM
Glenn's post hit the nail on the head with the older 26s; he has put alot of work in his as has Scott on the Tenacious, I think those pre- 85 or 86 boats had plywood core decks which need a little more TLC than the pure glass ones. It wil be hard to find a cherry in those years, after you do all that repair it's hard to let it go, that's alot of heart and soul to kiss good bye. Nice 86-low 90s pop up from time to time at reasonable prices; just check the engine hours and maintenence records. Boats in the $40s are going to require a little bit to alot of work or need a new powerplant; $55 to $65 should be in great shape ready to go with decent hours (5,000 typical engine life, <2500= good, >2500 = more maintenence). I have an 87 Billfisher with close to 8800 hours, the first Volvo package had 4400+ hours when replaced, my current 41D has 4250 + on it and I am replacing the complete outdrive and bell housing as we speak. The engine is still strong. I too am waiting for the day I can change out those Lexan windows and get the newer tinted glass. Early 1990s jump up in price as does anything after 2000; there are not many of those to find. You can be a real spaz when it comes to fishing and still catch alot, these boats raise fish!
04-29-2005, 06:44 PM
Thanks for the info Doghouse!! So if I am looking for a 26' I should look 86, 87 or newer?? I guess the downfall of the older ones would be the decks rotting out correct?
I have to agree with you, even with 23' blackman we had I have NEVER seen a boat raise fish like a blackman. I am not sure why, but I guess if it isnt broke dont fix it!! Or maybe Don just knew what the heck he was doing!! :cool:
04-29-2005, 07:39 PM
I guess the downfall of the older ones would be the decks rotting out correct?
I don't have any rot on my 83' with the wood deck, even now. But unlike fiberglass, I have small rust stains every season from screws under the deck and the non-skid never holds up as much as molded glass. Bottom line, glass is prettier for longer is all.
04-30-2005, 03:12 AM
It would be hard to give Josh some competition. I fished with him last month and he’s an animal. He caught more YFT over 300# this season (8) than the whole SD long range fleet combined. And you can’t forget those 300 to 800# black marling that pop every once in a while. The program impressed me to the point where I went back two weeks ago for the purpose of buying a condo at Punta Mita and now have that in process. I’ll dry storage the boat in Puerto Vallarta and keep it on a mooring at Punta Mita while I’m there. As is the case with most of my fishing I’m still attending the class, not teaching it and PV is no exception. Maybe we can go to class together sometime this year.
Fishing out of Punta Mita is sort of like going to the Coronado Islands to fish. It’s about twenty miles out to Corbitania Rock. One difference is when you get there; there may be one or two other boats max. The big difference is when you catch a skipjack you don’t gaff it but you rig it with an 11/0 circle and put it back over the side.
I think the warmer water stretched the billfish/tuna season this year but even an off year is pretty good. I guess if you can handle the storms and humidity, July through September are incredible fishing.
I’m getting the boat ready now for another San Felipe to La Paz run in June but in the fall it’s PV time.
Knot Now
05-02-2005, 08:06 AM
Glenn's post hit the nail on the head with the older 26s; "You can be a real spaz when it comes to fishing and still catch alot"
I take the personally....................
If you want to ride on a 26 billfisher, give me a shout.....
Mac Attack
05-02-2005, 09:24 AM
For what it's Worth I have owned a couple of Blackmans, both 26's. The first was a 26' express. My current Blackman is a 26' Billfisher. I did a lot of research before buying my current boat. Pre-1985 have the wood decks. I bought my 26, 3 years ago with 450 hrs. on a 41B. I paid in the mid $40 s for it. I had no intentions of buying a new boat, but once I saw it, I had to have it.
Thanks Mike
05-20-2005, 11:12 AM
I know the new guy on the block, I too just recently purchased a place in PV, and big fan of Josh's forum over at BD, I sailed my parents 48' sailboat down in Dec, and now in Paradise Village Marina, great marina (not cheap) but nice as anything in SOC, but I too am looking for a boat to pull down to PV, looking at either the black man 23-26 (mostly the outerbanks model), or the 25 davis, and the Farallon. Will leave the boat down their in dry storage in Paradise Village...any sudgestions on boats would be great...hope to meet every one on the water...
05-20-2005, 11:27 AM
Sounds like we’re on the same PV track. As for the boat I would strongly recommend the Blackman Billfisher with the Express Model being a second choice. The Outerbanks, Farallon an Davis are good boats, but unless you can figure out how to air condition them, the cabin will not be a comfortable place during the warmer weather. Besides the visibility from the bridge is a real plus.
Good luck on getting set up down there.
05-20-2005, 12:50 PM
unless you can figure out how to air condition them, the cabin will not be a comfortable place during the warmer weather.
I know that's a big problem down there a couple of wks ago and it was humid,We have two a/c units on the sailboat....those ran non stop...I guess the drive down from what I have been told is not to bad to Mazatalan...but from there to PV white knuckle time...I did look at a grady but just not that impressed for the money...I looked at parker 2520 nice boat...but I'm not sure about the durability of the boat...I like the idea behind the pilot house if I bring it back to SOC...but I do worry about the heat in the cabin when down south...
05-20-2005, 02:03 PM
Another problem I found while shopping and looking at all these different boats is that on the Davis boats unless your going to buy a new one its pretty hard to find a used one for less than 90k and you can buy a nice blackman and put 30k back in your pocket for that. Then the Farallons unless also buying new seem to be very slow. It just seems for an all out sportfisher layout, range and comfort on the water you cant beat the blackman for the price. Just my .02!
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