View Full Version : Just can't seem to get it done
10-03-2005, 08:36 AM
Did a kid trip late Saturday afternoon. Weather was gorgeous. Plan was to put the kids on some mackerel, show them some dolphin, then attempt to get that elusive (for me) ling cod. I know it should be simple. My problem is that I can't see dedicating time to catching ling cod whan there is any chance at all of catching a dodo or YFT so, we ventured about 10 miles off of LJ where the water was absolutely gorgeous blue and 69.5 degrees. Within 30 minutes we saw two marlin jumpers. In went two marlin jigs and two tuna feathers. After 30 more minutes of dragging lures (now 5:30 PM) I thought I'd better head towards LJ so I could get the new kid (friend of my kids) onto some kind of fish. Just about that time the port zuker gets zipped and unbuttons. The fish came back and zipped it again but didn't stick. Beautiful mackerel onboard too but, nobody else onboard that knew how to drop it back. Oh well back to LJ. Kids are killing the mackies with small spoons. I'm so busy unhooking mackerel and playing safety man that I cannot even attempt a drop on my own. I tell the kids to stop fishing after they each got 20 plus macks. Now it's my turn (and almost dark). Dropped down a big white fish trap with a squid strip and get nailed by a beautiful red in 105 feet of water. That's all I could produce. Nack to the dock with only one edible fish and no points. On a better note the wife and kids are actually asking to go to the Coral next weekend. Yehaa! I might get to drop them off in a room and fish the lower 500 if it looks good!!
I propose that we conclude this tourney (2005 leader board) on 01 November. Anybody agree?
Unforyunately the kids were having so muc
10-03-2005, 12:30 PM
Those lingcod and rockcod points might be harder to collect than I thought. I was surprized how few fish were at one of the more productive spots over the weekend.
Knot Now
10-03-2005, 01:56 PM
November 1 is good for me :D :D
10-03-2005, 05:26 PM
Think how stupid I felt when we baited a tailer feeding on sauries outside the 181 Saturday afternoon; no love so when I reel my mack in towards the boat here comes a 75-100# mako flying towards my bait, I get picked up, I don't wait too long as I only have 100# flouro leader on and I'm hoping for a corner of the mouth hook job, and load up and he's on for 5 seconds then gone. I'm thinking chewed off hook but I get the hook back! My other crewman Tim with the dropback gets bit and waits a little longer, loads up and pop we get the hook back on that one too. I have NEVER had trouble hooking a mako before, but 2 in a row I better go to church!
November 1 is fine with me however there is a slight chance the fishing might improve with all those Hurricanes/tropical storms coming up the line from Baja.
10-03-2005, 06:04 PM
Let me quote something I heard last week. "Makos and lings are the icing on my cake, don't want to shoot my wad too early".
I hope you didn't jinx yourself on that one Jeff.
November 1 should be good for me as well.
10-03-2005, 06:59 PM
I haven't screamed "I want that Mako" since I was 12 years old! The sharks were stupid then, I must be stupider now! I haven't shot my wad yet, just still jackin! :eek:
Mike did you hoop this weekend?
10-03-2005, 11:21 PM
Just got in from trip #2. We're spending the early part of the season looking around down the beach on the outside.
It doesn't look good for the commercial guys this year. 8 keepers on Saturday and 6 more tonight.
We might be eating lobster helper at the BBQ this year if things don't pick up soon.
10-04-2005, 07:08 PM
Lets stop the bull.
Are we going to have anything going this weekend?
10-04-2005, 09:54 PM
I'm going to go out and get 100 pts on a Marlin, then hook up a friend with a little 200+ mako. Ok, that's my aspirations this weekend. If it happens, I'll actually have to go catch another ling and remember to take a pic, then get Mike to take me out for a halibut so I can beat him... LOL
10-04-2005, 11:54 PM
Yes Hijole,
Take your wife to dinner @ Bali Hai Saturday Night so we can steal your truck for parts too! :(
Has Bob heard anything and when is SDR&R going to change their meeting place, I'm not going back! :p
10-07-2005, 09:30 PM
His 30 days was up Wednesday and the insurance paid $42K plus some extras for all of the Internationals inside.
His new 06 truck will be here soon.
I took my VW bug to the meeting this week and my old Dodge last month.
Robert told me that regardless of the type of security system the pros twist off the key hole on the door and then have a system to quickly rip of the ignition and connect some wires. Some pros are equipped to make keys on the spot.
The camera on the boarder took a pix of the license plate at a time before he noticed it was missing.
10-24-2005, 11:44 AM
Still can't post pics on the BOCAPIX website but I do have a weight slip for a 30" 9.5# ling we caught off the bottom of the nine Sunday. Decent cod fishing with several cookie cutter lings from 26-30". Kept 4 released 3 with four more over 24" back over the side. Limits but slow pick on average size reds, 5 groupers up to 7.2#. :)
Local Marlin is done as temps below the islands never higher than 63.5, 64.2 on the lower 9.
Next Sunday planning to try to fill the butt slot if weather permits, O'side and Black's seem to be producing. :D
10-24-2005, 08:37 PM
Sounds like what we will have to do for awhile until the fuel gets cheaper. How many gallons did you burn on the trip?
My cod trip 2 weeks ago was 23 gallons. I guess I could shut the engine but I've just been used to leaving it on.
I haven't learned the picture thing either. Maybe someone can bring a laptop to the BBQ with wireless internet and show us how it's done.
I can take some pictures of Ann telling the stories of her driving trips to Mag Bay and then NoSlack can post the pictures.
I still think we should have a show and tell at the BBQ. Everyone has to bring an unique idea to share. I want to learn the way to post pictures and someone can show me how to make another lobster taco, easy on the chorizo.
10-24-2005, 10:48 PM
Pepe I didn't refuel yet, I have a 30nm round trip up to Black's for mackeral and a 76 nm rt run to the 302 and 9 mile Sunday. My last tank averaged 2.0 mpg which is below the usual 2.3-2.5 average. Chris drove in from the ridge with the tabs all the way up once which I hope affected the mpg. I think I'm due for a valve adjustment.
10-25-2005, 09:29 PM
Sounds good. The adjustment was a 12 pack the last time on the To The Limit. It could have been a fast 6 but we inculded other goodies and made it a day.
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