View Full Version : Outer Banks set up, Commercial fishing
Al Gagnon
02-12-2006, 08:14 AM
I have a friend, that is looking to sell his 1984 Straight shaft, twin 200 hp Outerbanks, extended to 30 feet by Blackman. Has 5000 hrs on engines, put in about 1994. Everthing is set up just for commercial fishing, sword fish plank attachment, refrigeration, fish holes modified to hold about 4,000 lbs of fish, half tower, eperb lift raft, older basic electronics, slider windows modified to pane glass fixed. No toilet, tank holds 300 gallons of fuel. Does anybody have a idea of what it may be worth? I am very interested in the boat. Problem is my wife is looking for something more comfortable and my idea is to fish it at least once a week. The deck is raised, due to the extra fuel and fish boxes. I am just looking for some decision making thoughts from other men. I may tell the wife her option is the big D word, but I really think that she would get over it in about one year. Good thing is that I would be out fishing most of the time and not have to listen to the complaints. I hope she does not see this post. Al
02-12-2006, 08:46 PM
Al @ 5000 hrs on the engines, the best days are behind them and since this is a 1984 hull I think your best bet is to compare it to other 30' commercial hulls; you might have better luck comparing boats from the Bay area northward as 30' or larger are more common due to the weather up that way. I'm not sure but I wouldn't think you would get as much for a commercial Blackman as you would a sportsfisher from a wear and tear viewpoint.
Time Out
02-13-2006, 05:36 PM
I would love to see a few photos of this Boat
Al Gagnon
04-09-2006, 11:21 AM
Will complete the paperwork this week. Boat will go into the Blackman yard for a R&R of the fuel tank. I need to purchase a diesel truck 4x4. Looking at a used truck for about $12000. There are a few out there. 1998 and older. Mileage not much of a concern since I live in Lemon Grove. Need to use as a daily driver. Trying to stay calm about the whole thing. Seller is original owner and di modification to use as a commercial boat. It has everything that I have been looking for in th elast 3 years. God is good. Will post pictures later. Need to make up a name by tomorrow. Any suggestions? Al
04-10-2006, 07:39 PM
Sounds like a nice boat and I want'a see the pics. Do you need 300gal range :cool: and a 2 ton fishhole.:) You need to take off for the weekend or the week with this bad boy.
Led Sled
Al Gagnon
04-10-2006, 09:34 PM
I want the name to represent how I am going to retire. Of course that is not totaly true when you own a boat, but I can do what I want, when I want. I may need to come up with another $3K. Found a real nice Dodge, I would like to buy. There is always another one around the corner if I dont come up with the difference. Will send some pictures as soon as I get the boat in my driveway. I need to move a telephone line and probably add another 10 yards of concrete next to the house. It may not look alot like a Outerbanks, with all of the extra stuff, but it is mine and I am very happy. Starting to sound like a kid going to Disneyland. Al
Al Gagnon
04-13-2006, 08:44 PM
Named the boat "KIK-N-BAK" I am trying to figure out how I can transfer the trailer ownership into my name. I bought the boat and trailer from the owner but only financed the boat via the Bank. I will be wanting to sell the trailer at a later date so I did not include the trailer in the transaction. If the trailer was included in the bank load, the bank would not allow me to sell the trailer separate. Problem is that I now have to try to transfer the ownership of the trailer, the DMV will want a value of the trailer. So I will be paying the DMV again. Anybody have suggestions. Al
04-13-2006, 09:48 PM
Does the DMV want to see a receipt from the seller, or is your word good enough for them. Tell The DMV what you paid for the boat and trailer and the break down is $500 for the trailer and the rest was the boat.
If you need a hard receipt, stop by the house and I write you up one. I'm just over the hill in Spring Valley if you need any help with the boat.
04-13-2006, 11:52 PM
Stopped by the Blackman shop today for a couple of 12V DC Breakers and got a chance to admire Al's new sled in the yard. I didn't get a chance to go onboard but I'll tell you the extra 4 feet really makes the boat look completely different compared to the new 26 parked right alongside; and there is sooooo much room in the cockpit!
Al you scored Big Time!
04-14-2006, 07:28 AM
Congratulations on the new boat. I'm sure you'll get many years of enjoyment from her.
04-14-2006, 09:56 AM
Congrats Al,
I like the name you picked.
Old Blue
04-14-2006, 12:30 PM
Glad to hear that you decided to pick that one up. It sounds like many years of good fishing ahead! I'm sure the wife will come to love her.
Congrats again and hope to see the pics soon!
Time Out
04-16-2006, 09:05 AM
Would someone please take a few photos of this boat I cant imagine what it looks like.
Cong Al it sounds like a great boat
Al Gagnon
04-18-2006, 08:06 PM
I removed the 2 ft. high frame, that held the 1000 lbs of fish in the galley, under the galley deck boards. Cleaning up the teak. Modifing the entrance ladder to be able to fold up the ladder out of the way and make complete use of the floor space, sink and microwave oven. Also rigging a fold up bunk in the galley. It will be able to sleep 4 each, 2 forward and two in the galley. The seat will be set up as a full bench seat, forward to aft. The back rest will be hanging off the window ledge and swing up into a upper bunk and the bench seat will be the bottom bunk. It changes the appearance and I will have a hide away a toilet, under the drivers seat. Should be able to fish 5 people, 4 can sleep and one always on watch. Just a habit from my Tuna Siener days. Maybe I should not mention my past about tuna sieners. A fished local night time blue fin fishing and never bothered the sport boats, besides, that was in the 70's and 80's. I might do a before and after picture deal. Thanks for the encouragement. Al
Old Blue
04-18-2006, 09:34 PM
Please post some pics soon. How fast will those 400 ponies push that thing?
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