Well with all this Halibut flying around the desire for a different way to skin the old cat surfaced again and you won't believe it until you try it yourself! My buddy Mike who takes a trip to Alaska every other summer and catches those huge Pacific fish every time he goes shared an Alaskan treat and I thought he was cracked after he explained the recipe to me. I've caught and eaten alot of lobsters in my day and there was no way you can make Lobster out of Halibut. Or so I thought. First you take some fresh halibut and cut it into 1"cubes. Then you take 1 gallon of water, 1/2 cup of Sea Salt, and 1/2 cup of sugar and mix them while bringing the water to boil. Once the water boils, drop the fish cubes in the pot and cook for 7-71/2 minutes and then remove the cubes and place them on a plate. Melt 1/4-1/2 stick real butter in the microwave and then dip the fish individually, you will be pleasantly surprised; a great hor'deurve or a main dish if you cook enough. The fish does not fall apart, stays nice and firm. My first batch I cooked between 1-2 pounds with the 1 gallon recipe. Tonight I cooked 1 pound in 1/2 gallon of water and 1/4 cup of salt and sugar; it was fine!
The only difference is lobster has a different texture and a little more chewy; blindfolded you would have a hard time tasting the difference.